The Altar Guild is selling 50/50 raffle tickets for their annual fundraiser.
The drawing is May 19th. Please help support their service to our parish.
Tickets can be purchased after Masses or at the Parish office.
Our Italian Cultural Club is off to a great start with much enthusiasm and a well-attended first meeting!
Next Meeting is on Sunday, February 16th after the 10:15am Mass in Barbieri Hall.
We are happy to host the next concert of the Szabo Chamber Music Society
Sunday, January 19, 3:00pm in Sacred Heart Church
Tickets: Adults $20, Seniors $15, Students $5
We are very excited that Father Pete Philominraj has returned to our parish! As you may remember, Fr Pete was stationed in Our Lady of Victory Parish in lower Manhattan, two blocks away from the World Trade Center on 9/11. Father Pete will return to New York to receive his post 9/11 medical treatments. We are happy to welcome him back to reside with us here at Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Pompeii. Welcome back Father Pete!
Join our new Italian Cultural Club led by Kathleen Guglielmo
Explore traditions, geography, food and everything Italian!
The club will meet for the first time on Sunday, January 19th at 11am (after the 10:15am Mass) in Deacon Barbieri Hall.
You don’t have to be Italian - All are welcome to attend!