Soon we will be resuming our Adult Choir and beginning our Children’s Choir. Any members of the parish who have been part of our Adult Choir over the years or who would be interested in joining the choir are asked to please contact Dr. Sándor Szabó at the Parish Office as soon as possible so he can be in touch with you to let you know about an important meeting that will be scheduled soon and also to begin to plan for the Installation of Father Chris on June 10th.
June 10, 2021, 7:00PM Mass in Sacred Heart Church. Join us as we celebrate the Formal Installation of Father Chris as Pastor of Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Pompeii Parish. More details will follow in the coming weeks.
The bells of Edward Fata chimed for the first time on Palm Sunday (March 28), at Sacred Heart Church, at the intersection of Broadway and Ashford Avenue. Prior to the 11 a.m. mass, Bishop Gerardo Colacicco, assisted by the Rev. Chris Monturo, the pastor of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Pompeii Parish, blessed the new electronic carillon system in memory of Fata
Auxiliary Bishop Gerardo Colacicco leads the blessing of a new bell carillon in the sacristy of Sacred Heart Church in Dobbs Ferry, March 28. The carillon was donated by Gilda Fata in memory of her late husband, Edward, a musician who was an important member of the parish music ministry for many years.
We are happy to announce the return of the 5:00PM Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Pompeii Church, beginning Sunday, May 2nd. Other Ministries will also resume in May. Please contact the Parish Office if you have been or are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Usher, Altar Server or Choir Singer.
We wish all of you, our parishioners, a very Happy and Blessed Easter! As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ may the Peace of the Risen Lord be with today and throughout the Easter Season! We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve as your priests and thank God each day for each one of you! God bless you and your families with good health and happiness this Easter and always! Fr. Chris, Fr. Siby, Fr. Fidelis and Fr. Jude